Bellarri Designer Event
October 25th, 2018
DESIGNER EVENT: November 9-10
Bellarri is the one of the world's preeminent, award-winning designers of fine gemstone jewelry. "Bellarri exudes passion. A passion that comes from within. A passion, not only for design, but to create an inspiring brand of fine jewelry, which elevates a woman's state of being. This passion and initiative drives Bellarri to create a brand, which is now synonymous with elegance and exceptional style, and more importantly, a handcrafted product with the utmost integrity and craftsmanship. Bellarri truly demonstrates design has no limitations." (Source: Bellarri)
Discover the beautiful world of BELLARRI at BARONS! We have an incredible selection of new designs in store now, and will have even more for our Exclusive Preview on Friday, November 9th from 5pm-8pm, and the all-day event on Saturday, November 10, 2018.
BARONS PAYS THE TAX on all BELLARRI purchases during the event.